April 19th 2020

Divine Mercy Sunday


On the Sunday after Easter we hear the Gospel of the risen Jesus meeting the apostles and doubting Thomas.


The Lord gives his apostles to authority to forgive sins in his name.  This is where the sacrament of confession comes from, and we rejoice today in the divine mercy of God who is always ready to forgive our sins when we come to him.


When Jesus at last shows himself to Thomas he tells him  “‘You believe because you can see me.  Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.’”


We are those people Jesus is talking about.  We can’t see the risen Christ the way the apostles did, and at the moment we can’t even come to the church.  But we still believe and we are keeping the faith!  And we have that promise from Jesus that our faith will make us truly happy.


May God bless us and keep us safe this week.

Fr Damian




Recently Deceased:

Fr Felix McGuckin


Month’s Mind:

Bernie Henry (Sunday at 10am Mass)



Eileen Doherty, Emma Douglas, Kathleen Havelin, Lorna McLaughlin, Ellen McKay, Annie O’Kane, Sarah Quigg, Brendan Smyth


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.



Mass will be live streamed at 10am on Sunday on our Facebook page.


At 3pm on Sunday we will have live devotions for Divine Mercy Sunday.  We will pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.


Mass will also be streamed on Tuesday at 10am and Friday at 7pm. 



Our parish conference is still running and they are doing great work to help people in need of practical assistance at this time.  For confidential help contact their answerphone on 07860 455 549.



When confession isn’t possible we may seek God’s forgiveness by making an act of perfect contrition.


We should:


  • Prayerfully call to mind our own sins.
  • Tell God of our sorrow and desire for repentance.
  • Do what we can to make amends.
  • Promise to go to confession when it is possible.


We can then make the following prayer:


O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.


If you urgently wish to go to confession, please contact Fr Damian to make arrangements.



Regular visits to the sick by the priest or Minister of Holy Communion are suspended.  However emergency call outs are being carried out as normal.  Please contact the Parochial House (or if it’s for a hospital patient, ask the staff to contact the priest on call).



At this time only prayers at the graveside are allowed. Funeral Masses and prayers at the home are not possible. In the event of a death Fr Damian will offer Mass for the soul of the deceased privately.



We know many people are worried about their own family finances at this time, so it means a great deal that some people are able to support the parish too.  Thank you for your generosity.


If you want to make an offering you can leave your envelope through the door of the Parochial House.  If you’re isolating at the moment just save your envelopes at home until we’re all out and about again!


You can also make a payment online to the parish account (Sort code: 95-06-79 Account No: 10020192).  If you are someone who normally pays by envelope, please use your envelope number as a reference.



Trocaire’s head office in Belfast wish to thank everyone who has contributed to their appeal this year. Due to coronavirus their offices are closed and they are unable to accept donations at this time. They would ask therefore that we keep our Trocaire boxes at home until later in the year.